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eCommerce mistakes you want to avoid when creating your online business website

Building a business based on an eCommerce website is aways a challenge, so it is important to get basic things corrent first time to succeed in the ever competitive online market. Check if you have covered below points with your ecommerce website development.

1. No proper marketing Plan

You can build the best website of the whole wide world and no one will come buying stuff from you if they dont know about it. Having a digital marketing plan along with a traditional marketing strategies will give you the best results. It is always wise to hire a qualified experienced persons for this who can advice you not just digital marketing, but traditional as well.

2. No proper Branding – Logo or a unique theme

If your website does not have a quality logo to brand yourself, the visitors might not take you serious. Never keep your site without a logo, today the logo designs can be created for very cheap prices. If it still is out of your reach, create one yourself, but dont leave your site logoless.

3. Lack of customer interactions and recommendations/reviews

Reviews are the best marketing on your site you can ever put. There should be always methods for the customer to make inquiries and complaints easily.
It gives a chance for you to find out whats working and whats not in your products.

4. Showing Social profiles and stats when those are not grown fully.

Yes, We know, that you wanted your facebook followers featured on your website footer and your developer developed it at a cost. But enabling it when there is only few people following your page works totally negative to your business. Always remember to enable followers and stats only when they are looking impressive.

5. No proper story for your business

Every successful business has a great story about them to tell, if you dont have a great story, then customers might think you are not passionate about the products you present. So be creative and word your story well in your About Us page, state your vision, mission and goals clearly in that page in simple words. It will be a good investment to hire a experienced content writer for this one time job.

6. No Address in contact page

Al thou you may do the business entirely online, but people might be interested in where are you located for various reasons. Having your location mentioned in your contact page will not only make your customers more confident, it might open new business opertunities from your locale as well.

7. using a free email address.

Always use a proper email address from your domain name. Be creative about it too. You dont have to use becuase everyone is doing it. if you are selling autoparts – would be a good email to use for contact.

8. Trying too many things with SEO and lack of proper SEO strategy

You overall SEO strategy should be optimized to focus on your strongest markets and prioritize your keywords. Putting same amount of effort to a keyword that is less important will deprive the attention needed for you most important keywords.

it is always better to select your best keywords and a local SEO strategy to maximize RIO from you SEO budget.

You can talk to us about creating a successful ecommerce website with confidence that we know all the pitfalls of online businesses and will not let you fall in to those. Contact us today