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Web Design Services in Colombo Port City

At our web design agency, we prioritize international industry standards to create exceptional websites. Our meticulous approach to web security, performance, user experience, and user interface results in stunning websites that exceed your audience’s expectations.

We offer a hassle-free customer onboarding process that helps us understand your needs quickly and accurately. Our team of business and technical experts will consult and guide you towards developing the best solution for your project within your budget and time frame. Trust us to deliver a website that not only looks great but also performs optimally for your audience.


  • Corporate Websites
  • Business Directories
  • Travel and Tourism Websites
  • Investor / Investment Related Websites
  • Multi-Language Websites
  • Content Management Systems
  • Logistics and Transporation Websites
  • Highrise Building and Condominium Websites
  • Booking and Appointment Websites
  • Entertainment Facility Websites
  • Environmental websites
  • Jobs and HR websites
  • Parking Space Management and Reservation System
  • Building Entry / Visitor Pass System
  • Online Payment Systems
  • eCommerce Websites
  • Online Ticket Sales
  • Mobile Applications
  • Location Maps and Guidance Apps
  • Emergency Assistance and response Apps
  • Any other custom website

Features available in our web designs​

Our websites adjust to different screen sizes in a logical usable manner, from desktops to mobile devices.

Traditional, hamburger, mega-menu, and other types of menus to help users navigate the site easily

A prominent and visually appealing large format banner at the top of the site to draw users in.

Prominent buttons that encourage users to take specific actions, such as “Buy Now” or “Learn More.”

Usually these CTAs display a popup window , thus keeping the visitor within the same page making it easier to take an action.

Contact forms, registration forms, login forms, and any other form that can be dynamically created to capture user data, email or store in  a database.

 A section featuring reviews and feedback from previous clients or collaborators, providing social proof of the businesses’ professionalism and experience. this can be manually entered or dynamically pulled from Google or other review platforms. 

Integration with the business’s social media profiles, allowing visitors to easily connect with them on other platforms.

Galleries to display images and videos in a visually appealing way.

Rotating banners or images that showcase different content. This is useful when multiple items needs to be showcased without using much space.  

A visual design effect where the foreground and background scroll at different speeds to create a 3D effect.

The use of unique and visually appealing fonts to enhance the overall design or match with branding of the business.

Interactive design elements that respond to user actions, such as hovering over an image. These effects can draw attention to certain elements, provide feedback to users when they interact with the website, and create a more engaging user experience. 

Elements that remain visible on the screen, such as navigation menus, as users scroll through the site.

The primary benefit of sticky elements is that they can improve the user experience by making important content more readily available. By keeping key elements in view, you can help users find what they’re looking for more quickly and efficiently. This can also help to increase engagement and conversions on your website.

Chat functionality that allows users to interact with the website owners or customer service representatives in real-time.

A search function that allows users to search for specific content on the site. 

Maps that allow users to interact with the site and explore different locations. This is specially useful to let visitors find directions on Google maps to visit the location.

Good old sign-up forms for newsletters to keep users up-to-date on the latest news and updates.

 frequently asked questions to provide users with quick answers to common questions.

visual indicators that show the progress of a task, such as completing a form.

 tables that compare different pricing options for products or services.

Visually arrange incidents or events on a timeline for easier understanding.

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After sales support and website maintenance

  1. Content updates: Your website is a living entity and should be regularly updated with fresh and relevant content. A web design company can help you add new services, treatments, and products to your website, as well as update information about your team and pricing.
  2. Security updates: Your website needs to be secure to protect both your business and your customers. A web design company can perform regular security updates, such as installing the latest software updates and plugins, to keep your website safe from hackers and malware.
  3. Performance monitoring: Your website’s performance is critical to its success. A web design company can monitor your website’s performance, such as page load times and user experience, and make necessary adjustments to improve its speed and usability.
  4. Backups and disaster recovery: Accidents happen, and it’s important to be prepared for the worst. A web design company can set up regular backups of your website’s data and files, and help you develop a disaster recovery plan in case of emergencies.
  5. Analytics and reporting: It’s important to track your website’s performance over time to measure its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. A web design company can provide you with regular analytics reports and insights, such as traffic and engagement metrics, to help you make informed decisions about your website’s strategy and content.

#1 web design company in sri lanka

Our goal is to be the #1  web design company in Sri Lanka by 2025.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we constantly push ourselves to innovate and improve. We believe that staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial in providing our clients with exceptional web design solutions. Our team is dedicated to delivering projects on time, on budget, and exceeding our clients’ expectations. We pride ourselves on our ability to understand our clients’ needs and tailor our services to meet those needs. With a customer-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, we are confident that we can reach our goal of becoming the best web design company in Sri Lanka by 2025.


Sri Lanka

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© 2023 Mobiz International (Pvt) Ltd. All rights reserved | Web design and development company in Sri Lanka