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Joomla 3.7 is released with a ton of new features including custom fields! has released the latest version of Joomla! with a load of new features. Joomla Developers around the world will be excited to try out the uses of these new features and improved workflows

Custom fields allows a joomla developer to show additional information with articles such as data from a database. Multiple types of fields are now supported in Joomla 3.7 including text fields, lists , selects etc.]

Multilingual Sites

Making multilingual sites is easier and better managed thanks to the multilingual associations feature.

Improved Workflow

Build your menu item and your content type in one step!

More Convenience

  • See your global settings in your item, no more guess work or having to double check.
  • A flatter, more modern backend template.
  • An upgraded date and time picker, now multilingual.
  • A single login for your site’s backend and frontend. No need anymore to login separately!

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