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Google Plans to Replace Google Site Search with Custom Search Engine ( CSE )

Google plans to discontinue Google Site Search, a product it has sold to web publishers that wanted to apply the industry’s leading search technology to their own sites.

CSE Sign up for the basics is free, but should you need to remove Google branding and adverts , then it starts from USD 100 a year!

Check out what are the differences and how it affects your website , if it is using Google site search already.

Google Site Search Free CSE
Search options
Search the entire web
Image-only search
Look and feel
Option to remove ads
Access to XML API for results
JSON API Unlimited Daily limit
Make money with AdSense
Option to remove Google branding
Transfer ownership
Share query quotas with a business group
Technical Support
Access to the support forum
Email support

Learn more about Custom Search Engine by Google.

This could affect your SEO if you have implemented GSS in your website, please consult a SEO Sri Lanka Service Provider or a Web Design Company in Sri Lanka to consult about how to fix this.